Wooden furniture is solid, sturdy, durable, and long-lasting with the proper care. Though high-end wood furniture can be extremely expensive, it is worth it to obtain a piece that is reliable and could be handed down across generations and remain useful for decades. 

That being said, not all furniture is the same. The finish, style, and, mainly, the wood can set the pieces apart from others. Knowing the different types of hardwood can make a huge difference when selecting luxury living room furniture for your dream home. Look at the ten most luxurious kinds of wood in the market.


You know wood has quality when you find it in soaps and furniture. Sandalwood is very fragrant and versatile. Both its wood and oils are fragrant, and its trees are decent sizes for lots of timber.

Hawaii was covered in Sandalwood, but overharvesting for the burgeoning trade between America and China took its toll. Because of it, it is very rare and expensive. One kilogram of Sandalwood in China can be sold for over $130 US dollars.

Purple Heart Wood

You heard that right; there is timber out there that is purple. It is found in certain regions of South America that have heavy rain. The wood changes color as the tree ages, making it versatile and gorgeous timber.

A simple 4/4 of this wood can cost more than $10 per foot, so it is used on smaller projects. When you buy it, ensure it is a direct trade from ecologically responsible methods, as the rare timber industry has its fair share of unethical dealers in some circles. 

Pink Ivory

Also called red ivory, this wood is a hardwood found mainly in Zimbabwe. Its beauty and hardness make it perfect for pool cues, pens, and knife handles. It is very rare and desirable for its hues. Small pieces for woodworking often cost around$15, and it’s very rare for larger pieces to be made from wood. This is why it is mostly made into pens. You won’t find furniture pieces.

Agar Wood

This rare wood is not grown and is beautiful multi-colored, lightweight, and with mild resin qualities. Instead, synopsis plants are insinuated with mold. This results in the light, fragrant wood as a side-effect because molds are weird.

The wood is highly sought after in perfumes and incense for its fragrance. And because of this process, it is quite expensive and difficult to acquire in large quantities. Depending on the quality, a small piece can cost as much as $50.

Lignum Vitae

This multi-color wood comes from slow-growing trees, so it is dense and beautiful. It’s usually used to make cricket balls and other applications. The color may look painted, but it is not. Pieces can cost around $15, depending on the size.

African Blackwood

As per the name, this wood is black in color and is found in the dryer areas of Africa. The timber is sought after because of its color. Lumber costs as much as over $100, and pieces fashioned from this wood are luxurious and beautiful. 

It should be noted that while the exterior color is black, the inner wood tends to be lighter, making some interesting variations and design choices when the wood is used.

Bocote Wood

This wood has a variety of species, several hundred. The grain patterns of all of its varieties are gorgeous and naturally formed as the wood ages. This makes the lumber beautiful and great to use in various applications, but it can be pricey as a result. 

Great for furniture such as modern luxury living room furniture, bedroom furniture   or flooring, prices can vary, but $1- for some smaller pieces is a good start. it’s usually considered the most expensive wood for flooring, but the looks are worth the price tag.

Ebony Wood

Ebony wood is similar to blackwood, except it is deeper in hue and vibrancy. This wood is dense, making it perfect for furniture. While blackwood has a dark surface and more standard interior wood coloring, ebony is dark throughout, making it more versatile. 

Pieces of Ebony wood can easily cost $50. The dark color lends itself well to age and furniture and is used for such purposes.


Besides being fun to say, this wood’s bright, vibrant look results from young wood found in wet areas around lakes and rivers. Bubinga is typically found and harvested in India. Considered the most expensive furniture wood on the market, finished pieces made from this red-hued lumber can cost tens of thousands of dollars.


Dalbergia is a type of rosewood found in tropical areas. The wood’s multi-grain color gives it a beautiful color variation. The region it grows in is specific, which is the reason for the high cost.

$15 is a safe start, and remember, it grows in several different areas, being part of a varied group of trees and shrubs, the cost and hues of the grain can differ. Red is a common color.


Some of these woods make for expensive living room furniture, so finding them can be hard. Paying for them is an entirely separate matter, but when it comes to looks and quality, it’s hard to beat such pieces. You can also head to AVRS Furniture to see some beautiful luxury furniture pieces. We have it all, whether it is a bedroom set, dining set, chairs, or more.

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